Nutrition tips!

You may think... How is this possible? But it's true! If you don't have the proper nutririon for your organism, you can get an alimentary disease. Some of this are: obesity, anorexia and bulimia.

How to avoid this? Simple! Here are some tips you can follow for a proper nutrition!
-Eat foods from all the alimentary groups.
-Know your proper weight and BMI.

-It is also highly recommended to do physicall exercise.

This tips can help you avoinding having any disease mentioned above. And I can assure you it's not nice to have them.... They affect all of your metabolism, digestive system and even the heart and lungs!

Dr. Days :D

Hey everybody! The last week I did a homework about the nervous system and it was about to make a video with a disease of this system. My team and I decided to make a chapter of Dr. House but with a 100% real case! My friend's dad did help us a lot because he is a doctor, so we show true facts! I really had fun doing this homework and I hope you have fun watching it, here it is:)
Dr. Days

Fun facts about reproduction!

Hey! I've found some fun video with really awesome facts about reproduction! Hope you like it! Enjoy! :D

Prevent diabetes NOW that you can!

Who doesn't have a relative with diabetes? All of us at least know one person with this dangeours disease! For example, 2 of my uncles suffer of diabetes and I can tell you that I is not a pretty thing.

Of course, both of them are really chubby! Being chubby give the person a lot... yes, A LOT of complications that can damage his/her body, many diseases are related to obesity! Getting back to my uncles, both of them apart from diabetes they also have hypertension and varicose veins (yes, men can get those too!). Every single day, they have to take a lot of medicines to control the complictions in their bodies. Before and after each meal, they hve to check their insulin leves, and whenever it's needed they take an injected insulin shoot and I can assure you it is certainly not nice! Eventually, I know that my uncles will have more problems (like blindness or lost of their limbs and of course I don't want that! :( ) if they don't take care.

But being obese it's not the only cause for obesity! It can also be inherited or even pregnant women can get it and also Latin American people tend to be more vulnerable to diabetes. Watch out if you have this symptoms:

It is very imporant to prevent diabetes, and it is not that hard to achieve it! Here, I have sevaral tips for you: Eat healthy, increasing the amount of veggies and fruits and also try to avoid junk foods and of course sugar in a minumum amount, do excercise for at least 30 minutes every day, maintain hydrated, don't smoke and also avoid drinking alcohol.

About my quirky science homework!

For this partial, my scince teacher gave us a strange homework. It was about asking 10 different (like a priest, mom/dad, a doctor) if I started my sexual life in this moment (btw, I'm just 16) what contraceptive method would they recommend me to use. But that's not all.... I didn't have to tell the people it was a homework!!

So, one of the person who I asked was a priest. It was really interesting acutally, when I asked him I immediately saw the surprise and fright in his eyes, obviously... Not everyone expects that kind of questions!
Well, at the end I still think it was a fun experience because he told me that it was a sin and I shall not do it, and if I did, I wasn't going to end in heaven.... ._. Yeah, I know, I little bit creepy. That was the weirdest answer I recieved from the persons I asked to...

But well, most of the persons said to me that at may age was proper the abstinence... And I agree with them, it's still not the right time and it's better to avoid being pregnant of getting an STI... I recommend this to all the teens, although I also think that if you're decided to do it, you have to be very careful and use protection (like a condom). But, what do you think about this, guys? Is it right to start sexual life so young?

Fun ways to learn science!

Last week, in my Health Sciences class, the teacher assigned us a homework that consisted in making a song about any topic we have seen. I actually had lots of fun with my friends making it!

We decided to make it about the nervous system, we changed the lyrics from the song 7 things of Miley Cyrus haha.... I know it's a bit fast, but I think our song is not that bad at all and it can really help us for the exam! We explain the nervous system is divided in two, and it's conformed by the brain, spinal cord and the nerves... Well, we mention many other things but I think I better let you hear it... I really hope you like it.

The Nervous System Song!

OMG! Men can produce milk? ._.

For the ones that doesn't know what the Endocrine System is, it is the system that secrets any substance from inside of the body.

Just recently, a cousin of mine got a baby. As you may know, she produces milk, and this is because we hace a hormone called prolactin. This is a common case, right? But, I bet you didn't know that men CAN actually PRODUCE milk too!!! :0 This is because they also produce this horomone, and if it's stimulated, milk can be produced! Most of people think this can't be posible, but know you know it's completely true!


Hey! I've made this blog because I want you to know what I have learned in my course of Health Sciences. The topics we've seen in the course are actually very interesting and they are things that we live everyday without even noticing, it really can very useful in our daily lives! I really hope you like this blog and I will post frequently!